List of 7 items.

  • An Easy Transition

    "My daughter is a new student at Sanford this year. She has nothing but wonderful things to say about the teachers, administrators, coaches, and her classmate peers. We are delighted with the transition from her old school to Sanford. I attribute the ease of this transition to both the preparation she received at her old school and the open and caring environment at Sanford."
  • Excelling in Academics, Sports, and Arts

    "My son is excelling in academics, sports, and the arts. He is happy and has a wonderful set of friends. He participates in all aspects of school life, academically and socially. I don't think there is another school that would give him all of those experiences and encourages that kind of well-rounded participation."
  • High Academics—Low Stress

    "My child is constantly challenged academically. She is also encouraged to participate in sports and cultural activities (yearbook, volunteering, band). All this is done in a very nurturing and loving environment. Instead of being stressed in high school, she looks forward to each day at school."
  • Memorable Experiences

    "Our daughter continues to thrive from all perspectives within the Sanford upper school community. It seems that each experience she has is even more memorable than the next. I thought there was no way for her to top freshman year from a social, academic, and athletic perspective, but she has done just that as a sophomore."
  • My child is happy, excelling, and engaged in school

    "My son is excelling in academics, sports, and the arts. He is happy and has a wonderful set of friends. He participates in all aspects of school life, academically and socially. I don't think there is another school that would give him all of those experiences and encourages that kind of well-rounded participation."
  • Out of their Shell

    "Since day 1 the staff and faculty have been welcoming, genuine, and proactive in not only Jackson's education but also his personal well being. Jackson has gone from a shy, timid 3 year old, and with the help of the Sanford community, he has broken out of his shell. The community as a whole has really made our family feel at home. We feel an overwhelming sense of belonging. Our family made the right choice."
  • Well-rounded Individuals

    "Both of my kids have accomplished so much and have become well rounded individuals because of their Sanford education. I would like to thank the teachers, coaches, and administrators at Sanford for such a wonderful experience for my children. I'm going to miss the school so much as my youngest will be graduating this year."

2025–2026 Tuition

Preschool or PreK (Half Day)
Grade 1
Grades 2-4
Grades 5-6
Grades 7-8
Grades 9-12

Additional Fees Include: 
  • Preschool–Grade 12: Instructional Fees
  • Grades 5-8: Trip Fees
  • Grades 5-12: Textbook Fees
Optional Fees Include: 
  • Extended Care for Preschool–Grade 8 students: $25/day afterschool, $85/day full-day, through 5:30 PM
  • Sanford Transportation K–Grade 12: $1,000 one way, $1,600 roundtrip. Registration period ends May 1.
  • Preschool–Grade 12: Dining Services

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