
Explore Upper School

Why Sanford? Sanford has so many clubs and sports to participate in. In addition to getting an excellent education, I wanted a school beyond academics. Here at Sanford, I participate in numerous clubs in addition to playing sports. Sports games and events have been some of my greatest memories of high school! This community is welcoming and supportive, making it a great environment for learning and growth! 

Schedule a Tour

Spend the day at Sanford

We invite applicants to grades 9–11 to spend a day in Sanford's Upper School. 

Upper School Shadow Days are a great way for students to get a feel for Upper School life at Sanford School.  Students are invited to share their interests and spend a day with a current student to get the most authentic high school experience.

After your child connects with their student host, they will experience Upper School Morning Meeting, attend four classes, enjoy a complimentary lunch, and have the opportunity to learn more about Sanford with a member of the admission team.

We have a fun-filled day planned for your child. We look forward to seeing you on campus!

Contact us to schedule your Shadow Day visit today!

Frequently Asked Shadow Day Questions

List of 8 frequently asked questions.

  • Q. What time is pick up and drop off?

    Arrival: 7:45 AM at Sanford Hall. Sanford Hall is the very first building on your left as you enter campus. 
    Parking: There are two parking areas - one lot is on the left when you first pull onto campus and there are a few additional spaces directly in front of our building.

    Dismissal: 2:00 PM from the Admission Office in Sanford Hall (first building on your left as you enter campus).
  • Q. Can I request a specific host?

    Yes! We do our best to honor requests.
  • Q. Do I need to pack a lunch?

    No. You will be treated to a mid-morning snack and lunch in Sanford's dining hall. Our food services offers a wide variety of choices for you to enjoy. You are also welcome to bring your lunch if you prefer.
  • Q. Do I need to bring anything?

    No, you do not need to bring anything.  We will provide your child with a student folder and pen.
  • Q. What is the dress code?

    The general rule is neat school attire. Jeans and sneakers are fine. Athletic wear is not.  For detailed information, please visit our dress code policy.
  • Q. What's my schedule?

    After your child connects with their student host, they will experience Upper School Morning Meeting, attend four classes, enjoy a complimentary lunch, and have the opportunity to learn more about Sanford, with a member of the admission team.
  • Q. What is your cell phone policy?

    Cell Phones: Our upper school is cell phone free. Therefore, your child can leave their phone with you and use our school phones if they need to contact you during the day or your child can bring their phone and leave it in our office at drop-off and retrieve it when they return for pick-up. 
  • Q. What is your policy for medicine that needs to be taken during the day?

    Upper School students with severe allergies are permitted to carry their own EpiPen. All other medications must be administered in the school nurse's office. Please contact School Nurse, Jen Conway, if you have any questions.

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